175 Larose Drive
St. Albert , Alberta T8N 2G7
Phone: (780) 458-6101
Fax: (780) 458-8360
We are planning a special farewell day for families to take a socially distanced photo, return BK items such as Chromebooks, textbooks, and library books, and to say farewell.
We are asking families to drive through our parking lot according to their first letter of their last name and allotted time;
9:00 am - 10:00 am A - G
10:00 am - 11:00 am H - O
11:00 am - 12:00 pm P - Z
12:30 pm - 1:30 pm A - G
1:30 pm - 2:30 pm H - O
2:30 pm - 3:30 pm P - Z
We are hoping that by giving families 2 time options you will be able to make one of them however if your time doesn’t work out, please come when you can. If Tuesday, June 23 does not work for you, please let either Mrs. Sadownyk ssadownyk@gsacrd.ab.ca or Mrs. Doll adoll@gsacrd.ab.ca know so we can arrange an earlier drop-off day.
Vehicles will pull in on the north end of the parking lot and families will remain in their vehicle until they are waved in. Please stay clear of our neighbors’ driveways while you are waiting to be waved in.
All staff will have a table set up between the parking lot and the school where you can pick up student items. A separate table will be set up where parents can return textbooks, library books, and Chromebooks. Please respect social distancing of at least 2 meters with all non-cohort family members. All staff will wear a mask and if you have one, we encourage you to wear it. Students can get out of the car for a 'socially distanced photo' with their teacher.
175 Larose Drive
St. Albert , Alberta T8N 2G7
Phone: (780) 458-6101
Fax: (780) 458-8360