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We can't wait to see everyone TODAY, FRIDAY AUG 27 afternoon for our "Get the Scoop" event. Please consider the following:

1. This is a drop-in event from 3:30 pm to 5:00 pm.

2. We strongly encourage the use of masks for this event as we are welcoming larger groups of people into our school. Hand sanitizer stations will be available at all entrances.

3. Please use your child's grade level entrance to enter the school. This will allow for our students to know where they need to line-up on the first day. The doors will be labelled - Kindergarten, PreK, Grade 1, and Grade 2 have doors at the front of the school; Grade 4, Grade 5, and Grade 5/6 have doors at the rear of the school.

4. Feel free to bring in your child's school supplies.

5. Don't forget to come visit administration at the front of the school for your ice cream treat.

Since we will not have a formal introduction of the staff during the event, we have created a video to help familiarize yourself with all of the amazing people who work at BK.


God Bless,

Nicole Baker

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